Tamil Nadu Olden Histories
In this blog i am going to tell about the hidden secret of the Tamil language and the hidden secret of Tamil Nadu because the many hidden secret are there to knew . For know Many things keep on read everything in my blog ........................................
Madurai Mennakshi Amman Temple
This temple you know it is famous and great madurai mennakshi amman temple .The world famous
heritage temple.This temple has many hidden secret and many Tamil histories the main reason to take this temple which has the many hidden secret of medicine and the baby formation in women because the most famous Tamil story thiruviliyadal the great story a fight between the nakirrar and the lord shiva about the concept of the smell in the girls hair is by nature or by artificial
the main objective of this temple is the golden flower on the pond of the temple because according to science the heavy weight cannot be float on the water but the new scientific inverse is the golden lotus flower is made with gold but the lotus does not merge into the water this is a great thing we should be proud to be a Tamil people the world first born language is Tamil..........................
Olden Language the Tamil..
First of all the i am proud to say that I am Tamilan the first born language is Tamil because according to the world language calculation the most oldest language in the my Tamil is most oldest and most famous language
Wow Amazing News.....Tamilanda Ennaalum,Sonnaley Thimirrerum......